04 November 2011

Pertempuran 3 orang kanak kanak dengan Zombi

Lanjutan dari post saya di FB Mari Belajar Bahasa Jepun (Video: Japanese Kid's epic battle against zombies), mungkin anda akan lebih menghayati dan lebih terhibur dengan bantuan di bawah. Saya ambil dari website AJATT.

The Night That Turned Their World Upside-Down
It was an evening just like any other evening. The family members were relaxing at home, enjoying wholesome family activities like imitating the crabwalk from the Exorcista special skill (特技・とくぎ) of the daughter.

Then all of a sudden—

外から悲鳴が・・・ (そと から ひめい が・・・)

shrieks from outside.

The family hurried out to see what was happening, only to find

逃げ惑う近所の人々 (にげまどう きんじょの ひとびと)

panicked neighbors running down the street, fleeing from…but it couldn’t be…but yes, yes it was…


(ぞんび が きた! ぞんび が きた ぞ! みんな が すきな ぞんび が きた ぞ!)

A zombie! In a tragic twist of irony, one of the children’s favorite horror film icons had come to attack their own neighborhood!

The family rushed back into their home, the youngest child, Tomo (友・とも), overcome with terror:


Unfortunately, the worst was still to come. A woman from next door arrived—


(きんじょの おばちゃん が ぞんび から あずかった てがみ)

with a letter from the zombie!

なんて書いてある?(なんて かいてある?)

What does it say?” The children gathered around only to have their worst fears confirmed:

「もうすぐいきます ゾンビ」

I’ll be there shortly.    -Zombie”

An announcement of an imminent attack—in chillingly polite Japanese!

Battle Plans

Let’s fight!” The reporter rallied the children.


Ill get him! cried Tora(虎・とら), the older brother, waving his toy machine gun by its barrel like a baseball bat.


Atta-boy! All fired up and rarin’ to go!”

Meanwhile his older sister Rinko(凛子・りんこ) readied the traps. Pot hung above the door, check. Tape stretched across the bottom of the door frame, check.  And most importantly:


Tabasco sauce, CHECK.

3対1や! (さん たい いち や!)

It’s 3 against 1!” she piped up with Kansai bravado as they took their stations.

Confidence was running high until…

タバスコ こぼす!

You’re gonna tip over the tabasco!” warned the mother. But it was too late. The sauce spilled, unnerving Tora.

But this was no time to cry over spilled tabasco sauce. Thud, thud, thud—heavy footsteps on the stairs!

The Zombie Arrives!
来た、来た!頑張って、頑張って! (きた、きた!がんばって、がんばって!)

He’s come, he’s come!” whispered the reporter, “Give it all you’ve got!”

Removing his shoes after entering, as Japanese zombies tend to do, the zombie

仕掛けには、全てお付き合いします (しかけ には、すべて おつきあい します)

obligingly stumbled through all the traps that had been laid. But would it be enough to stop him?!

The door creaked open…Rinko dropped the pot too soon!  In his panic, Tora threw his toy gun at the zombie and had to retreat.

But the next trap was successful! The zombie fell to his knees…

冷たい~ (つめたい~)

It’s co-old!” He lurched up only to trip once again and plunge head first into the next trap!

With the zombie distracted…


(りんこちゃん、さきまわりして さらんらっぷ すたんばい!)

Rinko ran ahead into the next room to ready their secret weapon—*SARAN WRAP*

Meanwhile, back in the kitchen—

アレ血、アレ血! (あれ ち、あれ ち!)

—“That’s blood, that’s blood!” Tora bravely guided the zombie toward the “blood” on the floor…

血!? (ち!?)

Blood?!” The zombie was all ears.

食べるんやろ! (たべるんやろ!)

Try some!”

Tabasco bombs away! His mouth on fire, the enraged zombie turned on the children…

Backed Into a Corner
早く、早く!こっち逃げよう!そっち逃げよう! (はやく、はやく!こっち にげよう!そっち にげよう!)

Hurry, hurry! Run over here! Run over there!”

Flinging projectiles at the zombie, the children backed into the inner room.

来い! (こい!)

Bring it!” yelled Tora from the door, holding a toy dinosaur tied to a string above his head.

The zombie lurched closer…only to be struck back by the swinging dinosaur!

死ねよ!絶対死ね! (しねよ!ぜったいしね!)

Die! I mean it!!”


(もっと こい! もっと こい! はやく! もっと こい や!)

C’mon! C’mon! Hurry up! Come back here for some more!” Tora was on fire! He swung the dinosaur one last time into the zombie and shut the door.

みんな、用意、用意! (みんな、ようい!ようい!)

Everyone, get ready, get ready!” The children prepared for the final battle as the zombie pounded at the door, but a new conflict was brewing within their own ranks…

Breaking Point
友、何にもしてへんやん、自分 (とも、なんにも してへんやん、じぶん)

Tomo, you aren’t doing anything,” the reporter complained as Tomo hid behind a stuffed animal on the bed.

And Rinko, holding the saran wrap ready, was starting to panic,

来て、みんな、お願い!こっち来て! (きて、みんな、おねがい!こっちきて!)

urging everyone to come closer to the door.

Tora shot back:

噛まれたらどうすんの!? (かまれたら どうすんの?!)

[Come closer to the door -- great idea!] And what if he bites us[, genius]?!”


Don’t mess this up!” he barked.

だって、怖いもん! (だって、こわい もん!)

But I’m scared!” she pleaded.

The reporter started telling them they’d need to work together to make it through this, but Tora couldn’t take it anymore…


(ぜんぜん、てつだってない くせに! なに いってん や! そんなん いわんといて!)

How can you say that! YOU haven’t been helping us at all! Don’t SAY that!”


We’re doing our best!”

He was on the verge of a meltdown, but this boy was not about to back down to a filthy blood licker…Oh HELL no!

The Final Battle

I’m taking you down! Come out here already! NOW!” Tora shouted through his tears.

The zombie staggered in through the door, closer and closer…

食べてやる! (たべてやる!)

I’m gonna eat you!” he rasped, and Tora, perched on top a pile of futons, unleashed a hail of blows onto the zombie’s head.  It was time for the…



Rinko quickly handed it to Tora. Facing down the beast’s deathly jaws, he held up the secret weapon and…


Hyah! Plastered it over the zombies face!


Thanks, Tora,” Rinko said as she patted on some more.

The zombie flailed as they wound more and more saran wrap around his head, followed by with a storm of punches and kicks from behind.

The zombie collapsed to the floor and groaned under the relentless assault.


Are you okay, Mr. Zombie?” asked the reporter.

もうこんな家、来ない! (もう こんな いえ、こない!)

I’ve had it with this place!” whimpered the Zombie as he headed for the door.

来い、もっとオラ! (こい、もっと おら!)

Come here! Im not done with you yet! cried Tora, showering the poor zombie with blows (滅多打ち・めったうち).

But the zombie couldn’t take any more from these crazy kids.

もう二度と来ないよ! (もう にど と こない よ!)

I’m never coming back again!” he wailed as he limped out of the house.

倒したぞ! (たおした ぞ!)

We defeated him!” cried Tora triumphantly, breaking into tears of relief and exhaustion.

みんなが頑張ったから勝ったけど… (みんな が がんばった から かった けど)

We won ‘cause everybody did their best,” he sobbed into the microphone…

みんな協力して頑張ろうってや ゆったのに、あのな、協力してなかったな!

(みんな きょうりょくして がんばろう ってや ゆった のに、あのな、きょうりょく してなかった な!)

But even though I told everyone to work together, they…they didn’t cooperate!”

でもよかったな 倒れたもんな (たおれたもんな)

But it turned out all right! You defeated him!” the reporter pointed out, trying to cheer up Tora, who was now crying into his sleeve.

だれが頑張ったから? (だれ が がんばった から?)
And it was all thanks to who?” asked the reporter to the boy who had almost single-handedly saved the day.


Thanks to everyone,” answered Tora, generously.

Terima kasih AJATT.


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